Although this tutorial was recorded on firmware 4.88, the jailbreak process with PS3 Toolset is the same on higher firmware as long as all of the software needed has been updated. ANY PS3 MODEL HIGHER THAN 25XX WILL NOT WORK! This includes newer Slim (30XX) models and all Super Slim models. 25XX models that have a 3.56 or lower minimum firmware version will work, anything showing a higher minimum firmware will not.

All Fat/Phat models work! If you want to perform this on a Slim console, 20XX and 21XX models are all compatible. After verifying your PS3 has been patched successfully, you can simply reboot your console, take a 4.88 CFW of your choice, and install it directly through the XMB! In order to do all of this, you MUST have a compatible PS3. After verifying your flash dump is proper, you can download the required patch for your console and install it all directly within the browser! This process will download a specific file to your console and "patch" the console so it's ready for CFW. This should be done on every install, just in case your system needs the flash restored at any point in the process. If you have a CFW-capable PS3 the first thing you should do is back up your console's NAND or NOR flash to a FAT32 formatted flash drive. makes jailbreaking a PS3 easier, faster, and safer than ever before! If you have a compatible PlayStation 3 on firmware 4.88 or lower, you can easily jailbreak your PS3 using only software! No hardware flashers, no need to take apart the console, not even a need to downgrade! Thanks to the team over at PS3Xploit, anyone with a compatible PS3 can patch their console and install Custom Firmware (CFW). So trick is just redirect all traffic for update check to fake update server with proxy server or dns hijacking technique.Log in or register now. if ps3 is out of date then it cannot login until ps3 is fully updated. If version mismatch then it will show notification to update play station.

Easy to setup: just need to set dns to custom server.Įvery time when ps3 try to login psn it will check for available updates ( here is official update server url ). Scalable : just need to setup a public server with dns service and a web server and it can server so many client.ī. Hijack DNS then reroute all ps3 update related dns query to custom web server.Ī.

Proxy server is available to intercept and change version information from "ps3 update check request". Here we need to bypass update version check so we can login to psn with firmware 4.82 and 4.81 but problem is firmware version 4.83 is released and it is patched that means you cannot login to psn (which is required to work HAN toolbox) until ps3 console update to 4.83. PS3 super slim version 4.81 and 4.82 is vulnerable and on these firmware it allows us to install custom tools like PKG installer, HAN toolbox and Dark Store.